On site Instructor Led Training is the most effective, and it's probably the best way to learn. Its drawback is travel time, food, and lodging expenses. The other way I deliver training is Virtual Instructor Led Training. This elimates time and travel expenses. While the method is not quite as effective as On Site, if it's done by a skilled coach and trainer, it can come dangerously close to the On Site Method. However in the end, the choice is up to you.

On Site Instructor Led Training

On site instructor-led training is a form of training that involves a live instructor and either individuals or groups of trainees. On site instructor-led training is done at your facility (or a pre-designated location), and can be customized for dozens of trainees to a single trainee.

Virtual Instructor Led Training

Virtual instructor-led training (VILT) refers to training that is delivered in a virtual or simulated environment, or when instructor and learner are in separate locations. Virtual instruction environments are designed to simulate the traditional classroom or learning experience.

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